Monday, July 28, 2014

Some Thoughts

Thought of Khalil Hibran


And a woman carrying a child against her bosom said:
Tell us about the children.
And he answered:
Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing to have of them.
They come through you but not from you and though they live with you yet they belong not.
You may give them your love but not your thoughts.
For they have their own thoughts.
You can give shelter to their bodies but not their souls.
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which even in dreams it is given visit.
You may strive to be like them, but do not try to make them like you.
Because life or the backward nor tarries with yesterday.
You are the bows through which your children as living are fired arrows.
The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite, and bends you with full force so that their arrows go swift and far.
The act, therefore, be folded into the hands of the archer is your happiness.
For  even as he loves the arrow that shoots, loves also the bow that stands firm.


  And a priest, advanced in years said:
Tell us about religion.
  Have I talked about something else today?
No religion is all we do and think, and even what we do or think, but admirable and surprising way springs from the soul, even when hands are crushing rock or operating the loom.

  Who can demarcate their faith in their work, their beliefs and their occupations?
  Who can spread his hours before him, and say; these are God and these are mine. These are from my soul, and this other of my body?

All your hours are wings that move in space, moving from one to another.
  And who wears only virtue which was considered the best item, would do better to stay naked.

He who strives to adjust its behavior to ethical standards, be imprisoned his songbird.
The freest song comes not from between the bars and wires. And he to whom worship is a window to open but also to shut, has not yet visited the house of his soul whose windows are open from dawn to dawn.
Your daily life is your temple and your religion.
And whenever the center, carry with you all that is yours.

Take the plow and the forge and the mallet and the lute.
The things we did to satisfy needs, or for delight.

Because in contemplation you cannot ascend higher than your successes, not down below of your failures.

And take with you all men.
For in adoration you cannot fly higher than their hopes up, or down below the humiliation of his despair.

And to know God, you need not know how to solve the puzzles.
  Just look around you, and see your children playing. And look at the space and see walking in the cloud, extend his arms in the lightning and descending in rain. You can see him smiling in flowers, then lift and move his hands in trees

Healthy advice:
"Do not depend too much on anyone in this world because even your shadow leaves you when you're in darkness."
Whit affection,


Thursday, July 3, 2014

Questions about the Bible



How many and which animals spoke according to the Bible? = A: 2. the snake (Genesis3:1-15; donkey of Balaam (Numbers 22:21-33)
Who is the one who is called the friend of God? A = Abraham (Isaiah 41:8;
                                                                                  2 Chronicles 20:7; James 2:23)
How can we become friends of God? A= Doing what
                                        Jesus says (John 15:13-14, Matthew 28:20, 2 Samuel 22:21-25)
How many were converted to Jesus Christ in Peter's speech at Pentecost?
                                         A= Approximately 3,000 people (Acts 2:41)
What is the Hebrew meaning of Sarai , and Sara? A= SARAĂŤ. - Pretentious and
                                                       contentious; Sara - . Princes (Genesis 17:15)
Being almighty God, is there anything he cannot do? A= Yes , cannot sin
                                                       ( Hebrews 4:15 , John 8:46 , Numbers 23:19 , 1 Peter 2:22;
                                                                               Isaiah 53:9 ; 2 Corinthians 5:21; 1 John 3:5 )
Who was first prophet named in the Bible? A = Abel , prophesied of Jesus Christ
                                Your offering sacrifice ( Matthew 23 : 34-36 , Luke 11:47-51 , Hebrews
                                11:4 ; Matthew 5:12; Acts 7:52 ; Genesis 4:10)
Who won and which part of the Bible tells of the first beauty contest ? A= the
                                                              Queen Esther in the book of Esther (Esther 2:1-18)
Being omnipresent God, can be in hell? A: Yes, it was to proclaim victory
                                                 to the spirits in prison, but does not like being there.
                             (Psalm 138:8, Jeremiah 23:23-24, Ephesians 4:9-10, 1 Peter 3:19-20)

Who was the man who lived more? A = Methuselah lived 969 years (Genesis 5:27)
What is the meaning of the name Methuselah ? A= “When he dies will come" is
                                                                Referred to the judgment by the flood in Genesis 7:1
What woman advised her husband to die? A= Job's wife (Job 2:9)
what is the psalm in its verses end with the same sentence? A=
                         Psalm 136:26 The sentence is: "For His mercy endures forever. "
Who was the successor of Elijah and scored a double portion of your spirit? A =
                                                                                  Elisha (1 Kings 19:16; 2 Kings 2:9)
What did Elisha float, defying the law of gravity? A = A borrowed ax
                                                                                                                  (2 Kings 6:1-7)
How do we know that Peter was married? A = Because Jesus healed his mother in law
                                                                                                       (Matthew 8:14-15)
What is the longest verse in the Bible? A = Ester 8; 9

In the Old Testament, what is the shortest verse? A = not murder
                                                                                                    (Exodus 20:13)
In the New Testament , what is the shortest verse? A= Jesus wept
(John 11:35, Hosea 11:8 b)
What is the longest chapter in the Bible? A= Psalm 119:176

How many times cried God according to the Bible? A = Three (Luke 19:41, John 11:35;
                                                                          Hebrews 5:7; Hosea 11:8 b)
What will God do with our tears? A = Two things: 1 ) The harvest in the flask and
               He writes in his book ( Psalm 56:8 ) 2nd ) will wipe every tear ( Rev.21 : 4)
What relationship did Annas  with Caiaphas ? A = was his father in low (John 18:13)
What was the prophecy of the high priest Caiaphas ? A= Jesus had to die for the
                                                                Nation, and the children of God (John 11:49-54)
What do  call the first child named in the Bible? A = Cain (Genesis 4:1)
Whom God added fifteen years to life? R = A Hezekiah (Isaiah 38:5)
How Solomon's mother’s name? A = Bathsheba (1Kings 1: 11)
How many parts mankind is divided according to the Apostle Paul? R = In 3 Jews,
                                                                                  Gentiles and the Church.
 (1 Corinthian10:32)
What was the first miracle of Jesus narrated by the Bible? A = Turning water into wine at the wedding at Cana in Galilee. (John 2:11)
Who composed 3,000 proverbs?  = Solomon (1 Kings 4:32)
Who made this statement? “Let them alone; for if this counselor this work is of
                                              men will vanish; more if you cannot overthrow God
                                              destroy; lest haply ye be found even to fight against God.”
                                              A = The Pharisee Gamaliel Doctor of Law (Acts 5:34-42)
                                              Member of council or Sanhedrin, teacher of Saul of Tarsus.
Jonah fled where does not preach in Nineveh? A= To Tar shish (Jonah 1:3)
How is Noah's father’s name? R = Lamech (Genesis 5:28-29)
What relationship existed between Jonathan and David? A = brother in law
 (1 Samuel 18:20-30 )
What is the first bush mentioned in the Bible ? R = the fig tree (Genesis 3:7)
What was the man after God's heart? R = David (Acts 13-22;
                                                                                            1 Samuel 13:13-14)
How many people were saved in the flood? A = Eight (1 Peter 3:20; Gen 9:18-19)
Who said: " I know that my Redeemer liveth "? A  = Job (Job 19:25)
Who was Moses' successor ? A= Joshua (Joshua 1:1-5)
Who said to Jesus, " You have the words of Eternal Life "? A = Peter (John 6:68)
Who prophesied that Jesus would be born of a virgin? A= Isaiah (Isaiah 7:14)
How is called the angel who killed 185,000 Assyrians ? A = The Angel of the Lord
             ( Isaiah 37:36 , 2 Kings 19:35; 2 Chronicles 32:21 , Hebrews 11:28; Exodus 12:23;
             Acts 12:23; 1 Chronicles 21:12 and 15; 2 Samuel 24: 16-17 ; Acts 27:23 ; Job 4:18 ;
             Job 15:15; .1Corintios 6:3  ; Hebrews 1:5-7 and 13-14 ; psalm
             103:20-22 ; 35:5-6 ; Revelation 3:21 )
Who is transformed into an angel of light? A = Satan (2 Corinthians 11:14)
Can Satan do miracles ? A= yes he do (Job 1:19; cap 2; Matthew 7:21-23, 24:24;
              Exodus 7:11-12; Acts 8:9-20; Revelation 13:13-14 ; 16:14; 19:20)
Who stayed two angels in Sodom ? A = Lot (Genesis 19:1-3)
Which king God gave him 15 more years of life? A = Hezekiah (Isaiah 38:5)
Why do you walk?  A = by faith (2 Corinthians 5:7)
What is the shortest sentence in the Bible? A=Lord, save me ! ( Mat. 14:30 b -33 ;
                                                                                          Hebrews 12:2; Psalm 25:15 )
What is the longest prayer in the Bible? A = From Solomon’s Temple to dedicate
                                                                Jerusalem (1 Kings 8:23-53, 2 Chronicles 6.14-42)

What did Solomon ask God to govern his people? A= Wisdom
                                                                                                (2 Chronicles 1:10-11)
What does the Bible say about the promises we make to God? A=
                                                                     We comply (Ecclesiastes 5:4-7)
Moses' parents were married between relatives, what was that relationship?
       A = His father Amram took to wife his aunt Jochebed (Exodus 6:20; Lev.18:12 -13)
How long was the longest party that tells the Bible? A= 187  days
                                                                                                                         (Esther 1:1-5 )
Who was the staff that was in the Ark of the Covenant? A = Aaron's rod , which
                                             Budded, blossomed , he shoots had produced almonds
                                             (Numbers 17:8 , Hebrews 9:4 )
When is the day of salvation ? A = Today , "Now is the day of salvation" ( 2 Corinthians 6:2;
                                               Isaiah 49:8 ; Ecclesiastes 9:4 th ; Hebrews 3:7 b- 8th ; Luke 11:10 )
How many books of the Gospels are there and what are they? R = Five: Matthew, Mark, Luke,
                John and you. (2 Corinthians 3:2-6, " God Only version 2 Corinthians 3:18 speaks today “;
                1 Peter 3:1; 2 Corinthians 5:17-21 ; 2 Corinthians 9:8; Acts 1:8 )
How many books of the Bible do not name him directly to God? A= Two Ester, Songs
What does the kind response? A= Remove anger (Proverbs 15:1)
How many days and many nights it rained in the flood? R = 40 Days and 40 Nights
                                                                                                       (Genesis 7:12)

What is God asking to be in his Holy Temple? A = That “silence before Him all the
                                 earth "(Habakkuk 2:20, Psalm 69:9, John 2:16, Matthew 21:12-13).
Who worshiped God even when he lost everything he had? R = Job (Job 1:21 ; Habakkuk
                                                                                                                                3:16-19 )
Who worshiped Jesus , saying, " My Lord and my God "? A = Thomas (John 20:28, Psalm
Who wanted to kill Lazarus, whom Jesus raised him ? A= main Pharisees
                                                                                                priests (John 12:9-11 )
Who said : "According to the Gospel of Jesus Christ , in which I am suffering even
           prison as a criminal ; BUT THE WORD OF GOD IS NOT PREY . "?
          A= Paul to Timothy ( 2 Timothy 2:8 b -9)
Who endured as seeing the invisible? R = Moses (Hebrews 11:24-27)
What is the first and greatest commandment of all according to Jesus Christ? A = Loving God
                                        with all our heart, soul, mind and strength (Mark 12:30)
What does God do with the proud and humble? A = resists the proud, and gives
                                                    grace to the humble ( James 4:6 , 4:16, Matthew 5:3 )
What God looks at the man and woman? A = The heart (1 Samuel 16:7)
Who was the successor of Aaron? A = Eleazar, his son (Numbers 20:28)
When the Philippians jailer asked, What must I do to be saved?
What answered the Apostle Paul and Silas? A= "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved, and thy house. " (Acts 16:30-31)
How are the three parts of the 120 years he lived Moses divide?
              A = 40 years in the palace of Pharaoh , 40 years in the wilderness of Midian , 40
                    years guiding the people through the wilderness (Acts 7:23, 30,36 ; Dt 34:7 )
Who are led by the Spirit of God? R = All God's children
                   (Romans 8:14, 16, Galatians 5:18) All children of God are led by the
                    Spirit of God, but not all children are guided.
What is the root of all evil according to the Apostle Paul? A= The love of money
                    ( 1 Timothy 6:10,17 , Proverbs 23:5 , Matthew 19:21-30 , Luke 12:16-21 , 16:19;
                    James 5:1-5 ; Matthew 6:24; 13:22)
Who prayed to God saying , "God be merciful to me a sinner "? A= A publican
                                                                                                                   ( Luke 18:13 )
What is the longest name in the Bible? R = Maher- Shalal -Hash-Baz = Very soon there will be
                                                                             looting and destruction (Isaiah 8:1, 3; 7:8-9)
In which books of the Bible are the Ten Commandments?
                                                                A = In Exodus 20:1-17 and Deuteronomy 5:6-21
Who recognized that you cannot run away from God and said, " Where can I flee from your presence ?"
                                                                                                     A = David (Psalm 139:7)
How many times should we forgive our brother? A = Seventy times seven
                                                                                                         (Matthew 18:21-22)
Who saw a ladder from earth to heaven? A= Jacob (Genesis 28:12)
Who said : " Not by bread alone doth man live "? A= Jesus Christ (Matthew 4:3-4)
Who resurrected Tabitha in Joppa? A= God through the Apostle Peter
                                                                                                                       (Acts 9:40)
Who said, “Can anything good come Nazareth "? Nathaniel or Bartholomew
A: =Nathaniel
                                                                                   (John 1:45-51 , Luke 6:14)
Who was afraid to look upon God ? A= Moses (Exodus 3:6, 33:18-23 , John 1:18;
                                                              1 John 4:12; 1 Timothy 6:16; 2 Samuel 22:13)
Who was the father of the twelve tribes of Israel? A = Jacob (Genesis 35:22-26)
How did God answer from heaven to prayer of Elijah on Mount Carmel?
                                                                 A = Fire came down from heaven (1 Kings 18:38)
Who prayed: "Create in me , O God , a clean heart "? R = David (Psalm 51:10)
How many times did Peter deny Jesus? A = Three (Matthew 26:69-75 ; , Mark 14:66-72 ;
                                                                                Luke 22 : 54-62 ; John 18 : 15-18 , 25-27 )
What is the first watch that names the Bible? A= Of Ahaz sundial cast
                                                                  The shadow in the stands. ( 2 Kings 20:11; 23:12)
What is the first surgery which tells the Bible? Adam A= the textract a
                                                                                           rib (Genesis 2:21-24)
Who will be released from prison an angel? A = The apostle Peter (Acts 12:6-11)
Who had a coat of many colors? R = Joseph (Genesis 37:3 )
Who was the tomb where Christ was buried ? A = De Joseph of Arimathea
                                                                                                         (Matthew 27:57-60 )
Who walked on water? A = Jesus and Peter (Matthew 14:25-29)
Which of the twelve tribes of Israel served as priests ? R = The tribe of Levi
                                                                          (Deuteronomy 10:8, Numbers 3:5-8 )
What party died John Baptist  ? A = On Herod's birthday
                                                                                                 (Matthew 14:6-11)
There was a man of the Pharisees , who came to Jesus by night telling his wishes. Who is? A = Nicodemus (John 3:2)
Who was dead four days without your heart beating and hear a glorious voice came from the tomb? A= Lazarus (John 11:39-44)
First was a disciple , then treasurer and died hanged , all for treacherous
                                                                Who is ? R = Judas (Matthew 27:3-5 )
It was a great evangelist, who preached in a car and a man repentant baptized in water Who's that? A= Philip (Acts 8:34-39)

He was short of stature but publican . He longed to see Jesus, even from above.
                                                                          Who is? A = Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-6)
Was poor and begging bread. And when he died, he was taken to the bosom of Abraham.
                                                                      Who is? A = Lazarus (Luke 16:22-23)
Who fell like a lump, by falling asleep at the hour of worship? A= Eutychus
                                                                                                            (Acts 20:9-12 )
Who sold his birthright for a mess of pottage ? A= Esau (Genesis 25:29-34 )
What wedding Jesus turns water into wine? A= At the wedding of Cana (John 2:1,11 )
Who was thrown into the lion's den ? A= Daniel (Daniel 6:16-23 )
What is the shortest book of the Bible? =A  2 John 13

What was the first woman God put his name? R = Sarah (Genesis 17:15)
How can you be of noble sentiment according to the Bible ? A= Searching the
          Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so , as did the Berea’s
                                                                        (Acts 17:4 , 10-11 ; 1 Thessalonians 1:1-9 )
Where Jesus Christ ascended to Heaven? A= In Bethany at the Mount of Olives .
                                                                                          (Luke 24:50-51 , Acts 1:12)

What David used to kill Goliath? A= The sword of Goliath ( 1 Samuel 17:51 )
How many times as God wrote the Bible? Thrice R = ( 1 - stone . Exodus
     32:16; Deuteronomy 9:10 . . 2 - Second time in stone: Deuteronomy 10:2, 4
     3 - in the dust. John 8:6,8 ; Jeremiah 17:13)

How many years did Nebuchadnezzar living like a beast ? A = Seven years
 (Daniel 4:32-36)
Who I cut Samson's hair? = A man (Judges 16:19)
What book is between Matthew and Luke? A = The Gospel of Mark
 Who wrote the book of Revelation? A = The Apostle John ( Revelation s1 : 4, 9,11 , 22:8)
Who wrote the book of Hezekiah ? A = In the Bible there is no book of Hezekiah
What was the last of the ten plagues of Egypt? A = The death of the firstborn
                                                                                                  ( Exodus 4:22-23 , 12:29-31 )
Joseph the Levite , a native of the island of Cyprus , the apostles was surnamed him BERNABÉ . What is the meaning of Barnabas ? A = Son of Encouragement (Acts 4:36)
 What time being Safira widow lived after her husband Ananias die?
                                                                          A = about three hours (Acts 5:7)
With affection,