Saturday, August 4, 2018

Quotable quotes: 5Reader'Digest (1984)

Quotable quotes: 5Reader'Digest (1984)

82. When I was a young thought that socialism constituted the mathematics of justice :
 I But today understand that it is the arithmetic of envy.
83. The inconvenience of being punctual is that we give others the impression that we have nothing to do.
84. The man who has all this worries him less, if that all includes his wife.
85. Only those who try the ridiculous can achieve the impossible.
86. The seriousness of our current economy is that the rich man is rich in paper; if you impoverish, you are required to make constant money.
87. The test of superior intelligence lies in the ability to have the mind two opposing ideas at the same time and still retain the ability to function.
88. Since teenagers are already too old to do what children do, they are not old enough to behave like grown-ups, but they do what no one can think of.
89. Boredom is a vital problem for the moralist, because the fear of boredom is the cause of at least half of the sins of humanity.
90. One of the forms of waste is to spend more on words than ideas.
91. It is not necessary to know how to sing. It is enough to feel like doing it so that our day is a success.
92. The intelligent man who prides himself on his intelligence is like the prisoner who boasts of his wide cell.
93. Who said that youth is a state of mind, undoubtedly has more spirit than youth.
94. The television will never replace the newspaper (not completely). Try to kill a fly with a television.
95. We do not even have time to love. What do we have left to hate?
96. Nothing proves noise. Often the hen lays a single egg and cackles as if she had put an asteroid.
97. To hurt you, you just need to act together; your friend. That to slander you and this to give you the news.
98. It is possible for a message to go around the world in a fraction of a second, but it may take years for it to come from the outside into the head of man.
99. Too often, our minds get stuck in only one possibility. We look for red and do not notice blue. And therefore many great minds and thinkers have been lost, because they did not expect the unexpected.
100. Youth is like spring: an overvalued season, in which the cutting winds abound more than the temperate breezes. Autumn is the season of maturity: what we lose in flowers we gain in fruits.
101. Television was the most revolutionary event of the century. Its importance was comparable to the discovery of gunpowder and the invention of the printing press, which changed the human condition in later centuries. With so much television, humanity no longer sat down to chat on the front steps, nor did it meet in the living room to see if the rose or human warmth enlivened the evening. Henceforth, people sat in poorly lit rooms, alone or in silent groups, which is the same, to see images flashing on an electronic piece of furniture.

With affection,

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