Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Decimas ofNicodemes Santacruz


Decimas of Nicodemes Santacruz

1. To the Lord of Miracles


Passage to Our Master and Lord




walkers, canvas and candlesticks.


Step to Our Saviour


The Lord of Miracles.




The street is a human river


through which channel, the people


Very rhythmically


walk early.


Advance, advance brothers,


do not hinder the charger...


shouts the Senior Foreman


that the gang commands.


Step, the litters are coming,


passing to Our Master and Lord...




It overflows through the streets


that purple torrent;


battered feet groan,


Faith remains deaf.


The crowd that approaches him


gives frame to the king of paintings:


Falls and setbacks


in that mulatto sea,


and what a silver sailboat


walkers, canvas and candlesticks.




a brunette lady




Offers him all her children;


a blind woman with fixed eyes


ask Luz Nazarena;


She whips a cupcake


the vile body of her sinner of her.


In the footsteps of the Redeemer


the bells ring sadly


Advance, advance sisters,


step to Our Savior...




On the canvas of Jesus


The afternoon paints a shadow.


On the foreheads it is named


sign of the Holy Cross...


Under a candle - holy light -


To You, Lord, I consecrate myself,


and of your lean profiles


your Redemption comes to us


who never denied forgiveness


the Lord of Miracles.


2.Latin America


My buddy

My partner

My brother






my paw

My son



Here are my neighbors.

Here are my brothers.


The same Latin American faces

from anywhere in Latin America:


Indo-white and black

black and white

And black and white


Babe blondes

bearded indians

And straight black


Everyone complains:

-Ah, yes in my country

there wouldn't be so much politics...!

-Ah, yes in my country

there would be no paleolithic people...!

-Ah, yes in my country

there would be no militarism,

no oligarchy

nor chauvinism

no bureaucracy

no hypocrisy

nor clergy

nor anthropophagy...

-Ah, yes in my country...


Someone asks where I'm from

(I do not answer the following):


I was born near Cuzco

I admire Puebla

I am inspired by the rum of the Antilles

I sing with an Argentine voice

I believe in Santa Rosa de Lima

and in the orishas of Bahia.


I did not color my Continent

I didn't even paint Brazil green

yellow Peru

Bolivia red.


I did not draw territorial lines

separating brother from brother.


I rest my forehead on the Rio Grande

I stand stony above Cape Horn

I sink my left arm in the Pacific

and I immerse my right hand in the Atlantic.


Along the eastern and western coasts

two hundred miles I enter each ocean

I submerge hand and hand

and so I cling to our Continent

in a Latin American hug.




3. To Compass Of The Socabon






To the beat of the socabón

with tenths of Peru,

preserve the tradition

Nicomedes Santa Cruz.



During the last century

And beginnings of the present

It was a very common thing

An improvised song:

Forced Tenths of a Foot

The fans called him,

And only in our nation

The Tenth or Spinel

She accompanied herself with the vihuela

to the beat of the joke.




They interpret a gloss

four tenths or feet,

verse number ten

He is one of the quatrain;

and without being a great poet

nor be born with such virtue

with pleasure and request

on those winter nights

can fill a notebook

with Decimas of Peru.




If it rhymes with great care

consonance will do the rest:

Tenth, Seventh and Sixth;

Fifth and Fourth with First;

verses of the same ending;

for greater perfection

rhymes Eighth with Ninth

and with every good verse

preserves the tradition.




Octosyllabic, Hispanic,

It was the genuine tenth,

Unsurpassed, divine

She is the tenth Peruvian.

If one day someone beats me

Or if Jesus took me,

Don't let the light go out

In that song that is so ours.

He asks for it... yours truly:

Nicomedes Santa Cruz.







4.Del Marquez de Santacruz


Not in bronzes, which expire, mortal hand,

Oh Catholic Sol de los Bazanes

(That already among glorious captains

You are an armed deity, human Mars),


He will carve your deeds, but in vain,

When you want to discover your desires

And the well-reported taffetas

From Turkish, from English, from Lusitanian.


The sea of your sails crowned,

From your oars the other gray one,

Tables will be of such strange things.


Of immortality the not tired

Brush I achieved them, and be your exploits

Soul of time, sword of oblivion.


5. There is Mama


Ow mom,

if you saw me...

I'm lost in Brazil

Among swaying palm trees!


Long-waisted palm trees,

Mulatto palms

They sweeten my bitter step

And they brighten my walks.


Ow mom,

if you saw me...!


I die when I see them coming,

It kills me to see them pass.

I don't know if I should laugh

Or cry.


Ow mom...!


In the shadow of a palm

I wanted to get rid of the sun,

I wanted to get rid of the sun

And my soul is burning...


I'm lost in Brazil

Among swaying palm trees.

Ow mom,

if you saw me,

if you saw me,

if you saw me...!

Ow mom!


6. Neguito Meme

Old black people died

but among the dry reed

his zamacueca is heard

and pan-relief very far away.

And the celebrations are heard

that he sang in his youth.

From Cañete to Timbuktu,

From Chancay to Mozambique

they carry their clear ringing

black rhythms of Peru.


With affection,



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