Monday, September 16, 2024

Ivan Turgenev Quotes


Ivan Turgenev Quotes

1.       If we wait for the moment when everything, absolutely everything is ready, we shall never begin.

2.      Nothing is worse and more hurtful than a happiness that comes too late.

3.      Go forward while you can, but if your strength fails you, sit down near the road and gaze without anger or envy at those who pass by. They don't have far to go, either.

4.      I do not know what the heart of a bad man is like. But i do know what the heart of a good man is like. And it is terrible.

5.      We sit in the mud... and reach for the stars.

6.      The people who bind themselves to systems are those who are unable to encompass the whole truth and try to catch it by the tail; a system is like the tail of truth, but truth is like a lizard; it leaves its tail in your fingers and runs away knowing full well that it will grow a new one in a twinkling.

7.      Circumstances define us; they force us onto one road or another, and then they punish us for it.

8.     Love isn't actually a feeling at all--it's an illness, a certain condition of body and soul.... Usually it takes possession of someone without his permission, all of a sudden, against his will--just like cholera or a fever.

9.The word tomorrow was invented for indecisive people and for children.

10.Love, I thought, is stronger than death or the fear of death. Only by it, by love, life I believe love produces a certain flowering of the whole personality which nothing else can achieve.

11.To desire and expect nothing for oneself and to have profound sympathy for others is genuine holiness.

12.Time, as is well known, sometimes flies like a bird and sometimes crawls like a worm, but human beings are generally particularly happy when they don't notice whether it's passing quickly or slowly.


13.Life deceives everyone except the individual who does not contemplate it, the individual who demands nothing from it, the individual who serenely accepts its few gifts and serenely makes the most of them.

14. Belonging to oneself--the whole essence of life lies in that.

15. The temerity to believe in nothing.

16. A person who gets angry at his own illness is sure to overcome it.

17. I agree with no one's opinion. I have some of my own.

18. Death's an old joke, but each individual encounters it anew.

19. That is what poetry can do. It speaks to us of what does not exist, which is not only better than what exists, but even more like the truth.

20. There are some moments in life, some feelings; one can only point to them and pass by.

21. Take what you can yourself, and don't let others get you into their hands; to belong to oneself, that is the whole thing in life.

22. Take what you can yourself, and don't let others get you into their hands; to belong to oneself, that is the whole thing in life.

23. Nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and man's the workman in it.

24. What's important is that twice two is four and all the rest's nonsense.

25. There's only one way for an individual to remain upright, not to fall to pieces, not to sink into the mire of self-oblivionorself-contempt. That's calmly to turn away from everything, to say, "Enough!" and, folding one's useless arms across one's empty breast, to retain the ultimate, the sole attainable virtue, the virtue of recognizing one's own.

With affection,




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