How many and which
animals spoke according to the
Bible? = A: 2. the snake (Genesis3:1-15; donkey
of Balaam (Numbers 22:21-33)
Who is the one who is called the
friend of God? A = Abraham (Isaiah 41:8;
2 Chronicles 20:7; James 2:23)
How can we become friends of God? A= Doing what
Jesus says (John 15:13-14, Matthew 28:20, 2 Samuel 22:21-25)
How many were converted to Jesus Christ in Peter's speech at Pentecost?
A= Approximately 3,000 people (Acts 2:41)
What is the Hebrew meaning of Sarai , and Sara? A= SARAÍ. - Pretentious and
contentious; Sara - . Princes (Genesis 17:15)
Being almighty God, is there anything he cannot do? A= Yes , cannot sin
( Hebrews 4:15 , John 8:46 , Numbers 23:19 , 1 Peter 2:22;
Isaiah 53:9 ; 2 Corinthians 5:21; 1 John 3:5 )
Who was first prophet named in the Bible? A = Abel , prophesied of Jesus Christ
Your offering sacrifice ( Matthew 23 : 34-36 , Luke 11:47-51 , Hebrews
11:4 ; Matthew 5:12; Acts 7:52 ; Genesis 4:10)
Who won and which part of the Bible tells of the first beauty contest ? A= the
Queen Esther in the book of Esther (Esther 2:1-18)
Being omnipresent God, can be in hell? A: Yes, it was to proclaim victory
to the spirits in prison, but does not like being there.
(Psalm 138:8, Jeremiah 23:23-24, Ephesians 4:9-10, 1 Peter 3:19-20)
Who was the man who lived more? A = Methuselah lived 969 years (Genesis 5:27)
What is the meaning of the name Methuselah ? A= “When he dies will come" is
Referred to the judgment by the flood in Genesis 7:1
What woman advised her husband to die? A= Job's wife (Job 2:9)
what is the psalm in its verses end with the same sentence? A=
Psalm 136:26 The sentence is: "For His mercy endures forever. "
Who was the successor of Elijah and scored a double portion of your spirit? A =
Elisha (1 Kings 19:16; 2 Kings 2:9)
What did Elisha float, defying the law of gravity? A = A borrowed ax
(2 Kings 6:1-7)
How do we know that Peter was married? A = Because Jesus healed his mother in law
(Matthew 8:14-15)
What is the longest verse in the Bible? A = Ester 8; 9
In the Old Testament, what is the shortest verse? A = not murder
(Exodus 20:13)
In the New Testament , what is the shortest verse? A= Jesus wept
(John 11:35, Hosea 11:8 b)
What is the longest chapter in the Bible? A= Psalm 119:176
How many times cried God according to the Bible? A = Three (Luke 19:41, John 11:35;
Hebrews 5:7; Hosea 11:8 b)
What will God do with our tears? A = Two things: 1 ) The harvest in the flask and
He writes in his book ( Psalm 56:8 ) 2nd ) will wipe every tear ( Rev.21 : 4)
What relationship did Annas with Caiaphas ? A = was his father in low (John 18:13)
What was the prophecy of the high priest Caiaphas ? A= Jesus had to die for the
Nation, and the children of God (John 11:49-54)
What do call the first child named in the Bible? A = Cain (Genesis 4:1)
Whom God added fifteen years to life? R = A Hezekiah (Isaiah 38:5)
How Solomon's mother’s name? A = Bathsheba (1Kings 1: 11)
How many parts mankind is divided according to the Apostle Paul? R = In 3 Jews,
Gentiles and the Church.
2 Chronicles 20:7; James 2:23)
How can we become friends of God? A= Doing what
Jesus says (John 15:13-14, Matthew 28:20, 2 Samuel 22:21-25)
How many were converted to Jesus Christ in Peter's speech at Pentecost?
A= Approximately 3,000 people (Acts 2:41)
What is the Hebrew meaning of Sarai , and Sara? A= SARAÍ. - Pretentious and
contentious; Sara - . Princes (Genesis 17:15)
Being almighty God, is there anything he cannot do? A= Yes , cannot sin
( Hebrews 4:15 , John 8:46 , Numbers 23:19 , 1 Peter 2:22;
Isaiah 53:9 ; 2 Corinthians 5:21; 1 John 3:5 )
Who was first prophet named in the Bible? A = Abel , prophesied of Jesus Christ
Your offering sacrifice ( Matthew 23 : 34-36 , Luke 11:47-51 , Hebrews
11:4 ; Matthew 5:12; Acts 7:52 ; Genesis 4:10)
Who won and which part of the Bible tells of the first beauty contest ? A= the
Queen Esther in the book of Esther (Esther 2:1-18)
Being omnipresent God, can be in hell? A: Yes, it was to proclaim victory
to the spirits in prison, but does not like being there.
(Psalm 138:8, Jeremiah 23:23-24, Ephesians 4:9-10, 1 Peter 3:19-20)
Who was the man who lived more? A = Methuselah lived 969 years (Genesis 5:27)
What is the meaning of the name Methuselah ? A= “When he dies will come" is
Referred to the judgment by the flood in Genesis 7:1
What woman advised her husband to die? A= Job's wife (Job 2:9)
what is the psalm in its verses end with the same sentence? A=
Psalm 136:26 The sentence is: "For His mercy endures forever. "
Who was the successor of Elijah and scored a double portion of your spirit? A =
Elisha (1 Kings 19:16; 2 Kings 2:9)
What did Elisha float, defying the law of gravity? A = A borrowed ax
(2 Kings 6:1-7)
How do we know that Peter was married? A = Because Jesus healed his mother in law
(Matthew 8:14-15)
What is the longest verse in the Bible? A = Ester 8; 9
In the Old Testament, what is the shortest verse? A = not murder
(Exodus 20:13)
In the New Testament , what is the shortest verse? A= Jesus wept
(John 11:35, Hosea 11:8 b)
What is the longest chapter in the Bible? A= Psalm 119:176
How many times cried God according to the Bible? A = Three (Luke 19:41, John 11:35;
Hebrews 5:7; Hosea 11:8 b)
What will God do with our tears? A = Two things: 1 ) The harvest in the flask and
He writes in his book ( Psalm 56:8 ) 2nd ) will wipe every tear ( Rev.21 : 4)
What relationship did Annas with Caiaphas ? A = was his father in low (John 18:13)
What was the prophecy of the high priest Caiaphas ? A= Jesus had to die for the
Nation, and the children of God (John 11:49-54)
What do call the first child named in the Bible? A = Cain (Genesis 4:1)
Whom God added fifteen years to life? R = A Hezekiah (Isaiah 38:5)
How Solomon's mother’s name? A = Bathsheba (1Kings 1: 11)
How many parts mankind is divided according to the Apostle Paul? R = In 3 Jews,
Gentiles and the Church.
(1 Corinthian10:32)
What was the first miracle of Jesus narrated by the Bible? A = Turning water into wine at the wedding at Cana in Galilee. (John 2:11)
Who composed 3,000 proverbs? = Solomon (1 Kings 4:32)
Who made this statement? “Let them alone; for if this counselor this work is of
men will vanish; more if you cannot overthrow God
destroy; lest haply ye be found even to fight against God.”
A = The Pharisee Gamaliel Doctor of Law (Acts 5:34-42)
Member of council or Sanhedrin, teacher of Saul of Tarsus.
Jonah fled where does not preach in Nineveh? A= To Tar shish (Jonah 1:3)
How is Noah's father’s name? R = Lamech (Genesis 5:28-29)
What relationship existed between Jonathan and David? A = brother in law
What was the first miracle of Jesus narrated by the Bible? A = Turning water into wine at the wedding at Cana in Galilee. (John 2:11)
Who composed 3,000 proverbs? = Solomon (1 Kings 4:32)
Who made this statement? “Let them alone; for if this counselor this work is of
men will vanish; more if you cannot overthrow God
destroy; lest haply ye be found even to fight against God.”
A = The Pharisee Gamaliel Doctor of Law (Acts 5:34-42)
Member of council or Sanhedrin, teacher of Saul of Tarsus.
Jonah fled where does not preach in Nineveh? A= To Tar shish (Jonah 1:3)
How is Noah's father’s name? R = Lamech (Genesis 5:28-29)
What relationship existed between Jonathan and David? A = brother in law
(1 Samuel 18:20-30 )
What is the first bush mentioned in the Bible ? R = the fig tree (Genesis 3:7)
What was the man after God's heart? R = David (Acts 13-22;
1 Samuel 13:13-14)
How many people were saved in the flood? A = Eight (1 Peter 3:20; Gen 9:18-19)
Who said: " I know that my Redeemer liveth "? A = Job (Job 19:25)
Who was Moses' successor ? A= Joshua (Joshua 1:1-5)
Who said to Jesus, " You have the words of Eternal Life "? A = Peter (John 6:68)
Who prophesied that Jesus would be born of a virgin? A= Isaiah (Isaiah 7:14)
How is called the angel who killed 185,000 Assyrians ? A = The Angel of the Lord
( Isaiah 37:36 , 2 Kings 19:35; 2 Chronicles 32:21 , Hebrews 11:28; Exodus 12:23;
Acts 12:23; 1 Chronicles 21:12 and 15; 2 Samuel 24: 16-17 ; Acts 27:23 ; Job 4:18 ;
Job 15:15; .1Corintios 6:3 ; Hebrews 1:5-7 and 13-14 ; psalm
103:20-22 ; 35:5-6 ; Revelation 3:21 )
Who is transformed into an angel of light? A = Satan (2 Corinthians 11:14)
Can Satan do miracles ? A= yes he do (Job 1:19; cap 2; Matthew 7:21-23, 24:24;
Exodus 7:11-12; Acts 8:9-20; Revelation 13:13-14 ; 16:14; 19:20)
Who stayed two angels in Sodom ? A = Lot (Genesis 19:1-3)
Which king God gave him 15 more years of life? A = Hezekiah (Isaiah 38:5)
Why do you walk? A = by faith (2 Corinthians 5:7)
What is the shortest sentence in the Bible? A=Lord, save me ! ( Mat. 14:30 b -33 ;
Hebrews 12:2; Psalm 25:15 )
What is the longest prayer in the Bible? A = From Solomon’s Temple to dedicate
Jerusalem (1 Kings 8:23-53, 2 Chronicles 6.14-42)
What did Solomon ask God to govern his people? A= Wisdom
(2 Chronicles 1:10-11)
What does the Bible say about the promises we make to God? A=
We comply (Ecclesiastes 5:4-7)
Moses' parents were married between relatives, what was that relationship?
A = His father Amram took to wife his aunt Jochebed (Exodus 6:20; Lev.18:12 -13)
How long was the longest party that tells the Bible? A= 187 days
(Esther 1:1-5 )
Who was the staff that was in the Ark of the Covenant? A = Aaron's rod , which
Budded, blossomed , he shoots had produced almonds
(Numbers 17:8 , Hebrews 9:4 )
When is the day of salvation ? A = Today , "Now is the day of salvation" ( 2 Corinthians 6:2;
Isaiah 49:8 ; Ecclesiastes 9:4 th ; Hebrews 3:7 b- 8th ; Luke 11:10 )
How many books of the Gospels are there and what are they? R = Five: Matthew, Mark, Luke,
John and you. (2 Corinthians 3:2-6, " God Only version 2 Corinthians 3:18 speaks today “;
1 Peter 3:1; 2 Corinthians 5:17-21 ; 2 Corinthians 9:8; Acts 1:8 )
How many books of the Bible do not name him directly to God? A= Two Ester, Songs
What does the kind response? A= Remove anger (Proverbs 15:1)
How many days and many nights it rained in the flood? R = 40 Days and 40 Nights
(Genesis 7:12)
What is God asking to be in his Holy Temple? A = That “silence before Him all the
earth "(Habakkuk 2:20, Psalm 69:9, John 2:16, Matthew 21:12-13).
Who worshiped God even when he lost everything he had? R = Job (Job 1:21 ; Habakkuk
3:16-19 )
Who worshiped Jesus , saying, " My Lord and my God "? A = Thomas (John 20:28, Psalm
Who wanted to kill Lazarus, whom Jesus raised him ? A= main Pharisees
priests (John 12:9-11 )
Who said : "According to the Gospel of Jesus Christ , in which I am suffering even
prison as a criminal ; BUT THE WORD OF GOD IS NOT PREY . "?
A= Paul to Timothy ( 2 Timothy 2:8 b -9)
Who endured as seeing the invisible? R = Moses (Hebrews 11:24-27)
What is the first and greatest commandment of all according to Jesus Christ? A = Loving God
with all our heart, soul, mind and strength (Mark 12:30)
What does God do with the proud and humble? A = resists the proud, and gives
grace to the humble ( James 4:6 , 4:16, Matthew 5:3 )
What God looks at the man and woman? A = The heart (1 Samuel 16:7)
Who was the successor of Aaron? A = Eleazar, his son (Numbers 20:28)
When the Philippians jailer asked, What must I do to be saved?
What answered the Apostle Paul and Silas? A= "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved, and thy house. " (Acts 16:30-31)
How are the three parts of the 120 years he lived Moses divide?
A = 40 years in the palace of Pharaoh , 40 years in the wilderness of Midian , 40
years guiding the people through the wilderness (Acts 7:23, 30,36 ; Dt 34:7 )
Who are led by the Spirit of God? R = All God's children
(Romans 8:14, 16, Galatians 5:18) All children of God are led by the
Spirit of God, but not all children are guided.
What is the root of all evil according to the Apostle Paul? A= The love of money
( 1 Timothy 6:10,17 , Proverbs 23:5 , Matthew 19:21-30 , Luke 12:16-21 , 16:19;
James 5:1-5 ; Matthew 6:24; 13:22)
Who prayed to God saying , "God be merciful to me a sinner "? A= A publican
( Luke 18:13 )
What is the longest name in the Bible? R = Maher- Shalal -Hash-Baz = Very soon there will be
looting and destruction (Isaiah 8:1, 3; 7:8-9)
In which books of the Bible are the Ten Commandments?
A = In Exodus 20:1-17 and Deuteronomy 5:6-21
Who recognized that you cannot run away from God and said, " Where can I flee from your presence ?"
A = David (Psalm 139:7)
How many times should we forgive our brother? A = Seventy times seven
(Matthew 18:21-22)
Who saw a ladder from earth to heaven? A= Jacob (Genesis 28:12)
Who said : " Not by bread alone doth man live "? A= Jesus Christ (Matthew 4:3-4)
Who resurrected Tabitha in Joppa? A= God through the Apostle Peter
(Acts 9:40)
Who said, “Can anything good come Nazareth "? Nathaniel or Bartholomew
What is the first bush mentioned in the Bible ? R = the fig tree (Genesis 3:7)
What was the man after God's heart? R = David (Acts 13-22;
1 Samuel 13:13-14)
How many people were saved in the flood? A = Eight (1 Peter 3:20; Gen 9:18-19)
Who said: " I know that my Redeemer liveth "? A = Job (Job 19:25)
Who was Moses' successor ? A= Joshua (Joshua 1:1-5)
Who said to Jesus, " You have the words of Eternal Life "? A = Peter (John 6:68)
Who prophesied that Jesus would be born of a virgin? A= Isaiah (Isaiah 7:14)
How is called the angel who killed 185,000 Assyrians ? A = The Angel of the Lord
( Isaiah 37:36 , 2 Kings 19:35; 2 Chronicles 32:21 , Hebrews 11:28; Exodus 12:23;
Acts 12:23; 1 Chronicles 21:12 and 15; 2 Samuel 24: 16-17 ; Acts 27:23 ; Job 4:18 ;
Job 15:15; .1Corintios 6:3 ; Hebrews 1:5-7 and 13-14 ; psalm
103:20-22 ; 35:5-6 ; Revelation 3:21 )
Who is transformed into an angel of light? A = Satan (2 Corinthians 11:14)
Can Satan do miracles ? A= yes he do (Job 1:19; cap 2; Matthew 7:21-23, 24:24;
Exodus 7:11-12; Acts 8:9-20; Revelation 13:13-14 ; 16:14; 19:20)
Who stayed two angels in Sodom ? A = Lot (Genesis 19:1-3)
Which king God gave him 15 more years of life? A = Hezekiah (Isaiah 38:5)
Why do you walk? A = by faith (2 Corinthians 5:7)
What is the shortest sentence in the Bible? A=Lord, save me ! ( Mat. 14:30 b -33 ;
Hebrews 12:2; Psalm 25:15 )
What is the longest prayer in the Bible? A = From Solomon’s Temple to dedicate
Jerusalem (1 Kings 8:23-53, 2 Chronicles 6.14-42)
What did Solomon ask God to govern his people? A= Wisdom
(2 Chronicles 1:10-11)
What does the Bible say about the promises we make to God? A=
We comply (Ecclesiastes 5:4-7)
Moses' parents were married between relatives, what was that relationship?
A = His father Amram took to wife his aunt Jochebed (Exodus 6:20; Lev.18:12 -13)
How long was the longest party that tells the Bible? A= 187 days
(Esther 1:1-5 )
Who was the staff that was in the Ark of the Covenant? A = Aaron's rod , which
Budded, blossomed , he shoots had produced almonds
(Numbers 17:8 , Hebrews 9:4 )
When is the day of salvation ? A = Today , "Now is the day of salvation" ( 2 Corinthians 6:2;
Isaiah 49:8 ; Ecclesiastes 9:4 th ; Hebrews 3:7 b- 8th ; Luke 11:10 )
How many books of the Gospels are there and what are they? R = Five: Matthew, Mark, Luke,
John and you. (2 Corinthians 3:2-6, " God Only version 2 Corinthians 3:18 speaks today “;
1 Peter 3:1; 2 Corinthians 5:17-21 ; 2 Corinthians 9:8; Acts 1:8 )
How many books of the Bible do not name him directly to God? A= Two Ester, Songs
What does the kind response? A= Remove anger (Proverbs 15:1)
How many days and many nights it rained in the flood? R = 40 Days and 40 Nights
(Genesis 7:12)
What is God asking to be in his Holy Temple? A = That “silence before Him all the
earth "(Habakkuk 2:20, Psalm 69:9, John 2:16, Matthew 21:12-13).
Who worshiped God even when he lost everything he had? R = Job (Job 1:21 ; Habakkuk
3:16-19 )
Who worshiped Jesus , saying, " My Lord and my God "? A = Thomas (John 20:28, Psalm
Who wanted to kill Lazarus, whom Jesus raised him ? A= main Pharisees
priests (John 12:9-11 )
Who said : "According to the Gospel of Jesus Christ , in which I am suffering even
prison as a criminal ; BUT THE WORD OF GOD IS NOT PREY . "?
A= Paul to Timothy ( 2 Timothy 2:8 b -9)
Who endured as seeing the invisible? R = Moses (Hebrews 11:24-27)
What is the first and greatest commandment of all according to Jesus Christ? A = Loving God
with all our heart, soul, mind and strength (Mark 12:30)
What does God do with the proud and humble? A = resists the proud, and gives
grace to the humble ( James 4:6 , 4:16, Matthew 5:3 )
What God looks at the man and woman? A = The heart (1 Samuel 16:7)
Who was the successor of Aaron? A = Eleazar, his son (Numbers 20:28)
When the Philippians jailer asked, What must I do to be saved?
What answered the Apostle Paul and Silas? A= "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved, and thy house. " (Acts 16:30-31)
How are the three parts of the 120 years he lived Moses divide?
A = 40 years in the palace of Pharaoh , 40 years in the wilderness of Midian , 40
years guiding the people through the wilderness (Acts 7:23, 30,36 ; Dt 34:7 )
Who are led by the Spirit of God? R = All God's children
(Romans 8:14, 16, Galatians 5:18) All children of God are led by the
Spirit of God, but not all children are guided.
What is the root of all evil according to the Apostle Paul? A= The love of money
( 1 Timothy 6:10,17 , Proverbs 23:5 , Matthew 19:21-30 , Luke 12:16-21 , 16:19;
James 5:1-5 ; Matthew 6:24; 13:22)
Who prayed to God saying , "God be merciful to me a sinner "? A= A publican
( Luke 18:13 )
What is the longest name in the Bible? R = Maher- Shalal -Hash-Baz = Very soon there will be
looting and destruction (Isaiah 8:1, 3; 7:8-9)
In which books of the Bible are the Ten Commandments?
A = In Exodus 20:1-17 and Deuteronomy 5:6-21
Who recognized that you cannot run away from God and said, " Where can I flee from your presence ?"
A = David (Psalm 139:7)
How many times should we forgive our brother? A = Seventy times seven
(Matthew 18:21-22)
Who saw a ladder from earth to heaven? A= Jacob (Genesis 28:12)
Who said : " Not by bread alone doth man live "? A= Jesus Christ (Matthew 4:3-4)
Who resurrected Tabitha in Joppa? A= God through the Apostle Peter
(Acts 9:40)
Who said, “Can anything good come Nazareth "? Nathaniel or Bartholomew
A: =Nathaniel
(John 1:45-51 , Luke 6:14)
Who was afraid to look upon God ? A= Moses (Exodus 3:6, 33:18-23 , John 1:18;
1 John 4:12; 1 Timothy 6:16; 2 Samuel 22:13)
Who was the father of the twelve tribes of Israel? A = Jacob (Genesis 35:22-26)
How did God answer from heaven to prayer of Elijah on Mount Carmel?
A = Fire came down from heaven (1 Kings 18:38)
Who prayed: "Create in me , O God , a clean heart "? R = David (Psalm 51:10)
How many times did Peter deny Jesus? A = Three (Matthew 26:69-75 ; , Mark 14:66-72 ;
Luke 22 : 54-62 ; John 18 : 15-18 , 25-27 )
What is the first watch that names the Bible? A= Of Ahaz sundial cast
The shadow in the stands. ( 2 Kings 20:11; 23:12)
What is the first surgery which tells the Bible? Adam A= the textract a
rib (Genesis 2:21-24)
Who will be released from prison an angel? A = The apostle Peter (Acts 12:6-11)
Who had a coat of many colors? R = Joseph (Genesis 37:3 )
Who was the tomb where Christ was buried ? A = De Joseph of Arimathea
(Matthew 27:57-60 )
Who walked on water? A = Jesus and Peter (Matthew 14:25-29)
Which of the twelve tribes of Israel served as priests ? R = The tribe of Levi
(Deuteronomy 10:8, Numbers 3:5-8 )
What party died John Baptist ? A = On Herod's birthday
(Matthew 14:6-11)
There was a man of the Pharisees , who came to Jesus by night telling his wishes. Who is? A = Nicodemus (John 3:2)
Who was dead four days without your heart beating and hear a glorious voice came from the tomb? A= Lazarus (John 11:39-44)
First was a disciple , then treasurer and died hanged , all for treacherous
Who is ? R = Judas (Matthew 27:3-5 )
It was a great evangelist, who preached in a car and a man repentant baptized in water Who's that? A= Philip (Acts 8:34-39)
He was short of stature but publican . He longed to see Jesus, even from above.
Who is? A = Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-6)
Was poor and begging bread. And when he died, he was taken to the bosom of Abraham.
Who is? A = Lazarus (Luke 16:22-23)
Who fell like a lump, by falling asleep at the hour of worship? A= Eutychus
(Acts 20:9-12 )
Who sold his birthright for a mess of pottage ? A= Esau (Genesis 25:29-34 )
What wedding Jesus turns water into wine? A= At the wedding of Cana (John 2:1,11 )
Who was thrown into the lion's den ? A= Daniel (Daniel 6:16-23 )
What is the shortest book of the Bible? =A 2 John 13
What was the first woman God put his name? R = Sarah (Genesis 17:15)
How can you be of noble sentiment according to the Bible ? A= Searching the
Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so , as did the Berea’s
(Acts 17:4 , 10-11 ; 1 Thessalonians 1:1-9 )
Where Jesus Christ ascended to Heaven? A= In Bethany at the Mount of Olives .
(Luke 24:50-51 , Acts 1:12)
What David used to kill Goliath? A= The sword of Goliath ( 1 Samuel 17:51 )
How many times as God wrote the Bible? Thrice R = ( 1 - stone . Exodus
32:16; Deuteronomy 9:10 . . 2 - Second time in stone: Deuteronomy 10:2, 4
3 - in the dust. John 8:6,8 ; Jeremiah 17:13)
How many years did Nebuchadnezzar living like a beast ? A = Seven years
(Daniel 4:32-36)
Who I cut Samson's hair? = A man (Judges 16:19)
What book is between Matthew and Luke? A = The Gospel of Mark
Who wrote the book of Revelation? A = The Apostle John ( Revelation s1 : 4, 9,11 , 22:8)
Who wrote the book of Hezekiah ? A = In the Bible there is no book of Hezekiah
What was the last of the ten plagues of Egypt? A = The death of the firstborn
( Exodus 4:22-23 , 12:29-31 )
Joseph the Levite , a native of the island of Cyprus , the apostles was surnamed him BERNABÉ . What is the meaning of Barnabas ? A = Son of Encouragement (Acts 4:36)
What time being Safira widow lived after her husband Ananias die?
A = about three hours (Acts 5:7)
(John 1:45-51 , Luke 6:14)
Who was afraid to look upon God ? A= Moses (Exodus 3:6, 33:18-23 , John 1:18;
1 John 4:12; 1 Timothy 6:16; 2 Samuel 22:13)
Who was the father of the twelve tribes of Israel? A = Jacob (Genesis 35:22-26)
How did God answer from heaven to prayer of Elijah on Mount Carmel?
A = Fire came down from heaven (1 Kings 18:38)
Who prayed: "Create in me , O God , a clean heart "? R = David (Psalm 51:10)
How many times did Peter deny Jesus? A = Three (Matthew 26:69-75 ; , Mark 14:66-72 ;
Luke 22 : 54-62 ; John 18 : 15-18 , 25-27 )
What is the first watch that names the Bible? A= Of Ahaz sundial cast
The shadow in the stands. ( 2 Kings 20:11; 23:12)
What is the first surgery which tells the Bible? Adam A= the textract a
rib (Genesis 2:21-24)
Who will be released from prison an angel? A = The apostle Peter (Acts 12:6-11)
Who had a coat of many colors? R = Joseph (Genesis 37:3 )
Who was the tomb where Christ was buried ? A = De Joseph of Arimathea
(Matthew 27:57-60 )
Who walked on water? A = Jesus and Peter (Matthew 14:25-29)
Which of the twelve tribes of Israel served as priests ? R = The tribe of Levi
(Deuteronomy 10:8, Numbers 3:5-8 )
What party died John Baptist ? A = On Herod's birthday
(Matthew 14:6-11)
There was a man of the Pharisees , who came to Jesus by night telling his wishes. Who is? A = Nicodemus (John 3:2)
Who was dead four days without your heart beating and hear a glorious voice came from the tomb? A= Lazarus (John 11:39-44)
First was a disciple , then treasurer and died hanged , all for treacherous
Who is ? R = Judas (Matthew 27:3-5 )
It was a great evangelist, who preached in a car and a man repentant baptized in water Who's that? A= Philip (Acts 8:34-39)
He was short of stature but publican . He longed to see Jesus, even from above.
Who is? A = Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-6)
Was poor and begging bread. And when he died, he was taken to the bosom of Abraham.
Who is? A = Lazarus (Luke 16:22-23)
Who fell like a lump, by falling asleep at the hour of worship? A= Eutychus
(Acts 20:9-12 )
Who sold his birthright for a mess of pottage ? A= Esau (Genesis 25:29-34 )
What wedding Jesus turns water into wine? A= At the wedding of Cana (John 2:1,11 )
Who was thrown into the lion's den ? A= Daniel (Daniel 6:16-23 )
What is the shortest book of the Bible? =A 2 John 13
What was the first woman God put his name? R = Sarah (Genesis 17:15)
How can you be of noble sentiment according to the Bible ? A= Searching the
Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so , as did the Berea’s
(Acts 17:4 , 10-11 ; 1 Thessalonians 1:1-9 )
Where Jesus Christ ascended to Heaven? A= In Bethany at the Mount of Olives .
(Luke 24:50-51 , Acts 1:12)
What David used to kill Goliath? A= The sword of Goliath ( 1 Samuel 17:51 )
How many times as God wrote the Bible? Thrice R = ( 1 - stone . Exodus
32:16; Deuteronomy 9:10 . . 2 - Second time in stone: Deuteronomy 10:2, 4
3 - in the dust. John 8:6,8 ; Jeremiah 17:13)
How many years did Nebuchadnezzar living like a beast ? A = Seven years
(Daniel 4:32-36)
Who I cut Samson's hair? = A man (Judges 16:19)
What book is between Matthew and Luke? A = The Gospel of Mark
Who wrote the book of Revelation? A = The Apostle John ( Revelation s1 : 4, 9,11 , 22:8)
Who wrote the book of Hezekiah ? A = In the Bible there is no book of Hezekiah
What was the last of the ten plagues of Egypt? A = The death of the firstborn
( Exodus 4:22-23 , 12:29-31 )
Joseph the Levite , a native of the island of Cyprus , the apostles was surnamed him BERNABÉ . What is the meaning of Barnabas ? A = Son of Encouragement (Acts 4:36)
What time being Safira widow lived after her husband Ananias die?
A = about three hours (Acts 5:7)
With affection,
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