Sunday, June 24, 2018

Quotable quotes: 1 Reader'Digest (1984)

Quotable quotes: 1 Reader'Digest (1984)

1. Most of us would like to return to the simple life, if the path was not so complicated.
2. If two individuals always agree on everything, you can be sure that one of them thinks for both.
3. Humanity can be divided among a multitude that detests that they make it wait, because this bores it; and a few happy beings who like it, because it gives them the time to think.
4. Recognize yourself is not only the most difficult, but also the most annoying.
5. The nations must at least find a way to impose the discipline that is required in elementary school or kindergarten: not to hit , not to  take and share toys; and punish the first one who speaks.
6. Sometimes we say that we are free, because we did not press so hard.
7.The most suitable man for political positions, is the one that meets the qualities of the milkman's horse; It does not pose major problems and knows where to go.
8. The error of youth is to believe that intelligence supplies experience; and the error of mature age is to think that experience replaces intelligence.
9. Men usually ask God in their prayers that two and two be four.
10. Education is a toolbox.
11. A child is an island of curiosity surrounded by question marks.
12. Comedy has to look like the truth. The truth is taken and a curl is added.
13. Memory has the gift of the resurrection.
14. The more I want to do something, the less I consider it work.
15. Very often it is more necessary to change the way of being than to change the scenario.
16. The greatest obstacle to discovering the shape of the earth, the continents and the ocean was not ignorance but the illusion of knowledge
17. Sometimes the child in one behaves in such a way that the rest of the personality goes behind him slowly shaking his head.
18. Love of nature is a permanent form of love for life.
19. The most pleasant and useful people are those who leave some problems of the universe, so that God cares for them.
20. Moderation is a virtue in those who have no alternative.

With affection,

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