Saturday, July 16, 2022

Augusto Ferrando 2


Augusto Ferrando 2




With Pablo de Madelengoitia

Augusto Ferrando Chirichigno (Lima, January 15, 1919- February 1, 1999) was a Peruvian television presenter, equestrian announcer, soccer narrator and actor with a long and successful career. For thirty years, he hosted the popular game show Trampoline to fame and was manager of La Peña Ferrando, a comic-musical magazine.


With his sons

 For more than four decades, he toured the neighborhoods of Lima and the provinces with a group of young talents, such as Guillermo Rossini, Pablo Villanueva, Miguel Barraza, César Ureta and Román Gámez. And well-known Creole singers, including Lucha Reyes.

Before becoming the host of the program “Trampolín a la Fama”, Augusto Ferrando toured Peru with the cast of his famous “Peña Ferrando”. In this unpublished image we recognize Alex Valle (third from the right), Pablo Villanueva “Melcochita” (sixth from the right) and at his side the popular television host who immortalized the phrase “always with you”. 1971



Augusto receives Melcochita at Peña Ferrando, photo from 1966.


 A great equestrian fan, he began his career as an equestrian announcer when he was barely fifteen years old. His particular style, loud and vibrant, led him to be cataloged as the main equestrian announcer in the country. In April 1966, he arrived at Panamericana Televisión to host Trampolín a la fama, under the format of Escalera del Triunfo, program of the same cut that he had previously hosted on the old channel nine in Lima, Peru. Trampolín a la Fama was the program with the greatest permanence and audience success in the history of Peruvian television.

It was a contest for amateur singers and comedians in which Ferrando improvised with other contestants. And he joked with the contestants and the other members of his cast of entertainers. Ferrando also stood out as a host of programs on Radio Central and participated in numerous campaigns in support of poor sectors.

  His death, at the age of eighty, in the city of Lima, on February 8, 1999, gave rise to a massive demonstration of sorrow tributes.

He was awarded the Golden Window Award, which Panamericana Television awarded him posthumously, and which was received by his son Juan Carlos Ferrando. During the broadcast of his program, he was visited by Mario Vargas Llosa, Libertad Lamarque, Luis Alberto Sánchez, Nelson Pinedo, Javier Pérez de Cuellar, Ricardo Durand Flórez, among others. Marisol Crousillat, producer of national operas, made a television series called Augusto Ferrando, pure blood (2005). That it recreated the life of the animator and that it was transmitted by Latina Frequency and later by Panamericana Television.

In addition, in 2011, Panamericana Televisión, where he was the host of Trampolin a la Fame for thirty years, made a documentary about the animator's life.



 With affection,




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